
Brief English Commentary-Parshat Vayechi Read This Past Week

Dovid Pinchas Richter Speaks About Yaakov's Request To Yosef To Be Buried In The Mearat Ha Makpela (Cave Of The Patriarchs) Located In Hebron


Dovid Pinchas tells a story about the time when Jews were thirsty and needed to get water at what appeared to be during Nazi rule. The problem was that the water was located near a group of German soldiers.

During their first attempt after making their way near the soldiers they lost courage and were forced to retreat. But when they became more thirsty they decided to try again and again for the second time they once again lost courage and again retreated. But again for the third time they became so thirsty they were desperate for water and this time they decided to proceed.

Dovid Pinchas uses this example to apply to Yaakov’s request to Yosef to be buried together with Avraham and Yitzhak.

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