
Brief Hebrew Commentary - Parshat Chaya Sarah

Dovid Pinchas Richter Speaks About Eliezer's Search For Yitzhak's Wife Rivkah


Dovid Pinchas points out that originally Rivkah was allowed to go to meet Yitzhak immediately but then Lavan changed his mind and wanted Rivkah to remain there.

So the question is why was there a sudden change regarding Rivkah being allowed to leave?

Dovid Pinchas points out that Lavan was very untrustworthy and it was not surprising that he changed his mind especially when he first saw and thought Eliezer was bringing valuable presents in the form of money.

But instead of the money, Lavan was only given something less valuable and and Dovid Pinchas provides an explanation why Lavan changed his mind about letting Rivkah go immediately.

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