
Brief Hebrew Commentary-Parshat Terumah Read This Week

Dovid Pinchas Richter Gives An Interesting Analysis Of What Seems A Logical Order To The Items Brought For The Building Of The Mishkan


Dovid Pinchas mentions the items that were first brought by everyone to the Mishkan that appear in the beginning of the Parshah.

It is interesting that what seems a logical order as they appear, is questioned by great Torah scholars which Dovid Pinchas will now discuss.

And it is important to note that taking the first three as a prime example - gold, silver and copper were listed in the Torah based on the value of each one. That holds true even today where the price of each of these precious metals are still in the same order as they appear in this Parshah.

A hidden message must be that just like this never changes so it is that what is written in the Torah will never change as well.

And the word Mishkan is used because that is the place where the Shechina dwells.

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